How do you get the best solutions?

Working for the government I ran into a very diverse set of problems. These were mostly complex and tough problems that weren’t easily solved. This ranged from making a group of angry citizens participate in policy development, to large scale digital transformation programs. And everything in between.
We were getting ever more dependent on scarce expertise of external consultants to help solve these kinds of problems. Increasingly so, that at one point we started to hire ever more consultants that were paid more than the prime-minister of our country. With a project success rate of about 25% this simply wasn’t sustainable for our organization‘s survival.
In effect, we thus had both a ‘can-do as well as a talent problem’. And we were just not able to solve it by existing means. However, we just knew that there were professionals out there who could be more effective to solve our problems. We only had to be better able to find them and better match them to the problems we wanted solved. Moreover, ‘the right’ consultant would even be more happy in solving the problem if it matched his or her area of interest.
Hence, the idea of Eébel originated. If only we could built a tool that more effectively matches the organizations problems to the right professionals out there in the world. Getting beyond the small talent-pools that the usual intermediates provided for us. We started building artificial intelligence based on a large language model (LLM).Soon, we were better able to identify professionals who were better able to solve our specific problems. After a couple of successful matches we decided it was time to try and build this into a company. We believed that more organizations would benefit from this intelligent matching engine. We believe this will ultimately help professionals get the work that energizes them and help organizations advance.
With the platform of Eébel we try to provide a tool that enhances professional problem solving capability.Professional services are often knowledge intensive and require specific expertise. Eébel’s engine increases reach while also focussing on very specific niches of expertise that are needed. In-the-end increasing the chance of getting the right solutions that really matter.
How can you better solve meaningful problems?